Although relatively new to the social media scene, TikTok is fast becoming the most popular platform. With over 1 billion users, TikTok has overtaken Facebook and Instagram as the scrolling app of choice.

What does this mean for business? Can TikTok be utilized for lead generation, brand awareness, and engagement?

Absolutely it can, especially for those businesses wishing to reach a broad audience made up of Gen Z and younger millennials.

So, what’s the best way to integrate TikTok into a marketing strategy?

Let’s find out.

3 Ways To Help You Get The Most Out Of TikTok For Your Business

Use Influencers To Promote Your Products

For businesses with a young target audience, using influencer accounts on TikTok can help reach potential customers faster and more effectively.

Using influencers works well with younger consumers, since they don’t respond as well to traditional advertising methods. This generation doesn’t want to be “sold to,” but by using influencers who are the same generation as your target audience, it’s easier to spread awareness of your products on the platform. Influencers also have built-in trust with their followers.

Want a handy tip?

Work with your influencers to build a creative strategy. That way, you can rest assured that their content resonates with your ideal audience and the effort is worthwhile.

Create Your Own TikTok Videos

You don’t need to use influencers if you have a content strategy that appeals to TikTok users. Steer clear of purely promotional videos. Instead, embrace raw, authentic marketing techniques and use TikTok to increase awareness and build engagement.

Share short, 15-second videos that invoke a sense of transparency and authenticity. Unlike Instagram, TikTok users are looking for honest and open communication rather than staged marketing.

Use TikTok Paid Ads

TikTok paid ads have been on the rise since they launched in 2019.

One aspect to bear in mind, though.

TikTok ads are currently pricier than other social media channels, with a minimum spend of $500. So it isn’t a quick and cheap marketing option.

There are three types of ads you can pay for.

In-Feed Ads

These are 15-second ads that appear on the “For You” feed. They blend well within the feed, and users can like, comment, share, follow, and shoot videos using the same TikTok sound.


Hashtag Challenge

Although you have to pay for the initial ad kickstarting the hashtag challenge, others will take the challenge and post videos highlighting the branded hashtag.

Both the challenge and the hashtag heighten engagement and awareness for your brand as people share their own challenge videos.


Brand Takeover Ads

This type of ad appears as soon as the user opens up the app. It’s generally a 5-second GIF or a 3-second image. In addition, brands can include a link that leads to landing pages within TikTok.


Is TikTok Marketing Worth It?

If your business can keep up with trends and your target audience includes younger generations, it’s definitely worth adding TikTok to your marketing strategy.

TikTok is fairly new and popular with millennials and Gen Z. Most businesses aren’t taking it seriously as a marketing platform, so you have a chance to stand out from your competitors.

Torrey Tayenaka is the co-founder and CEO at Sparkhouse, an Orange County based video production agency. He is often asked to contribute expertise in publications like Entrepreneur, Single Grain and Forbes. Sparkhouse is known for transforming video marketing and advertising into real conversations.Rather than hitting the consumer over the head with blatant ads, Sparkhouse creates interesting, entertaining and useful videos that enrich the lives of his clients’ customers. In addition to Sparkhouse, Torrey has also founded the companies Eva Smart Shower, Litehouse & Forge54.