Media Club

MEDIA CLUB EPISODE 11 – Summer Game Fest -Will Be Wild!

Join us as Nick and James share their favorite highlights from Summer Game Fest, and Paul talks about ‘Will be Wild’ a podcast about January 6th.

James starts off talking about the Michigan Community Action virtual conference he is setting up and Nick reflects on a shoot for a brand new client, Anew Life Prosthetics and Orthotics.

If you have any questions concerning video that you’d like us to answer, please send us an email to with the subject being Media Club question or you can join us on air for the next one on Thursdays at noon!

Media Club Episode 10! – Tiger & Bunny, The Boys Season 3, and Better Call Saul Season 6!

This week we talk about a Tiger and Bunny, The Boys and Better Call Saul

Nick then talks about producing the ReStore Roadshow for Habitat Capital Region and James talks about the development of the Leadership in Education livestream for Communities in Schools.

Finally we talk about Podcasting and what kind of microphone should you start out with.

If you have any questions concerning video that you’d like us to answer, please send us an email to with the subject being Media Club question or you can join us on air for the next one on Thursdays at noon!

Media Club Episode 9! – Ray Liotta, Vice City and Under the Whispering Door

Join us as we discuss what we did this week including a shoot with Dr. Susan Maples. The we pay tribute to Ray Liotta, talk about his role in GTA: Vice City, and Under the Whispering Door! a novel by TJ Klune. Finally we answer a question about equipment and starting a YouTube Channel

If you have any questions concerning video that you’d like us to answer, please send us an email to with the subject being Media Club question or you can join us on air for the next one on Thursdays at noon!

Media Club Episode 8 – Magic, Time Machines and Deathloops

This week we talk about a sci-fi book from 2008, a new docuseries on Apple TV, and a very immersive PS5 game!

Nick and James also chat about all of the work put in for the Child and Family Charities Fundraising breakfast

If you have any questions concerning video that you’d like us to answer, please send us an email to with the subject being Media Club question or you can join us on air for the next one on Thursdays at noon!

Media Club Episode #7: Edith!, Upload and Nick’s Marvelous Mystery Pick

Join us as we talk about Edith, Upload, and a mystery only Nick knows about!

James and Nick also talk about projects for The Garden and Child and Family Charities as well as we got questions!

If you have any questions concerning video that you’d like us to answer, please send us an email to with the subject being Media Club question or you can join us on air for the next one on Thursdays at noon!

Media Club #6 – Peglin, Framed, and Anthem

Join us as we discuss what we’re working on this week as well as what Nick is reading, and what James and Paul are playing! Plus we talk the retiring of the iPod and Netflix’s new potential lower pricing tier.

Media Club is Live every Thursday at Noon EST. If you’d like us to answer a question on the show live, please send your question to

Media Club #5 – Deucey Award Takeover!

In this episode we it is a complete Deucey Award takeover! Watch as we reveal the winners and hear from representatives from those respective winners about how they felt about their Deucey win! Remember to catch Media Club every Thursday at Noon EST as we dive deep into our own productions, creative stories that have caught our eye and whatever else is going on in the media world.

Announcements Part 2 – Redux – Electric Boogaloo – The Return

April is going to be Huge!! Starting with the very first week, we will be kicking off the 10TH ANNUAL Deucey Awards! The entire month of April will be dedicated to these awards.

A new category will start each week, with the ability to vote on them on our website. In the meantime, our email newsletter will shift from Thursdays to Mondays to reflect that.

Also, The Media Club will debut that first week of April as well, so remember to either subscribe on YouTube or like on Facebook. Plus mark your calendars for Thursdays at noon!

Can’t wait to see how this goes…….

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► To keep up with our new client videos

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Get Ready For Lift Off This March!

March is launch month. As in the first week, the second season of the mission control podcast lifts off then our brand new livestream show “The Media Club” will follow. So, don’t miss out on either. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t…..or like us on Facebook or listen to the podcast on your favorite podcast player….you know the drill. But don’t miss it!

► Subscribe to the UnoDeuce Multimedia Channel Here

► To keep up with our new client videos

Every organization has a story. Do you have the right storyteller?

UnoDeuce is a storytelling agency that uses video to document the why of non-profit organizations and socially responsible small businesses and share how they make a positive impact on their community.

We do this a variety of video based solutions for brand awareness, donor cultivation, training, fundraising and promotions.

UnoDeuce Multimedia. One Company. Twice the Possibilities.

Follow US Online Here:





Guest Post: How to Increase Sales Using Social Media

Learn how you can better market your ecommerce business through Facebook, Instagram, and Pintrest. These 5 simple tips will teach you how to increase sales using social media.

The Power of Social Media

Cherilyn and I were next door neighbors ten years ago. Since that time, we have both moved–she moved to a different state and I moved to a different city. Despite the distance of two hundred and forty miles between us, I know that Cherilyn recently started her own online business selling beauty products.

How do I know? She announced it to me and all of her other friends on Facebook. In addition, I know when she’s having specials on certain products or running promotions. And it has all been done without a cent of her money being spent on marketing.

What’s the secret? The secret is social media. Viewers of social media know you and trust you because you have a relationship. According to DEI Worldwide, 70% of consumers use social media as often as they use firm websites to gather information about products. In addition, 60-70% of people believe that recommendations from other people online are “valuable, credible, and honest.”

Consumers Online

81% of the developed world now has internet access. Essentially that means that of the countries with expendable income, 81% can be reached from anywhere in the world. Global accessibility has never been greater than it is at this time. But with that accessibility also comes an overload of information and products.

Social media can help shoppers sort through it all. Social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, allows business owners to build relationships with their prospects, as well as use existing relationships to turn friends into customers.

Think about how many adults use social media while at work–just to get a mental break from their jobs. They may be on a coffee break, scrolling through their Instagram feed, when they see your business’s post. With every social media post your business makes, you’re reaching prospects during a time or place that television, radio, and print ads often cannot.

A Boost to Businesses

When a viewer sees a post, it can be almost like magic. According to Forbes contributor Jayson DeMers, “studies have shown that social media has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing.” And an IDC study released in 2014, found that buyers that use social media have 84% larger budgets than buyers that don’t. That’s a powerful formula!

Most of the developed world has internet + social media users have larger budgets + 100% higher closing rate = success!

Social media can bring you more leads and more sales without investing a fortune in marketing. However, social media marketing often falls flat. So I’ve gathered five tricks to help you successfully connect with your customers.

5 Tips to Increase Sales Using Social Media:

  1. Post Often – By spending at least six hours per week, 66% of marketers saw a benefit from social media in lead generation.
  2. Use Images – Place an image alongside your text on Facebook. Posts with images have 2.3 times more engagement than stand-alone text.
  3. Learn to Pin – Pinners spend 50% more on purchases through the social media channel than users of other social media platforms, yet only 40% of marketers use it.
  4. Photograph People – When posting on Instagram, use photos of people. Studies show that photos with faces get 38% more likes than those without. So place your products with a person for a more positive response.
  5. Make a Video – Close to half of all internet users look for product related videos before visiting a store. Even though you may not have a brick and mortar storefront, put this statistic to work for you. Create simple videos about the products or services you sell and place them on your website as well as Youtube. Shoppers who view a video are almost twice as likely to make a purchase than shoppers who did not view a video.

(Thanks Hubspot for these great stats!)

So next time you are searching for a way to boost your sales, take a closer look at social media. It’s a great way to build your brand and boost your sales.