In the world of online marketing, there are numerous strategies that businesses employ to draw in customers. When it comes to determining the most effective format in regards to ROI, video tends to pull ahead of the rest. If you’ve been debating video advertising for your business, here are a few reasons you should really stop thinking about and do it.
People Are More Likely to Watch a Video Than Read
People are more likely to hit the play button on a video than they are to read text. That’s just the reality of the digital world that we live in. This means that it would be a wise investment to make some quality videos for potential clients to find. They’ll feel more engaged, so they’ll be more likely to consider your product.
They’re Sharable
A major bonus to choosing video as your form of marketing is that they’re easily sharable. People can post the video on social networking sites or simply email it to a friend. This allows you to easily get your business in front of more users without any extra effort on your part.
Users Are More Likely to Buy When You Give First
If you decide to make informative videos for users, then you can give them something for free, and people really like free things. When they get something from you before you ask them to buy, they’re more likely to return the favor and buy something from you.
It’s best to use a video production company and high-quality cameras as people are less likely to watch low-quality videos. High quality videos will make you look more established and reliable than a badly lit or shaky video would. If your video is demonstrating a skill or technique, you should ensure that it’s not full of jargon. If the average Joe can’t understand it, they’ll click off your video, and you will have lost a potential customer.
Video Allows for More Clear Communication
While written communication can be powerful, it can also lead to confusion when the tone and ideas aren’t clearly expressed. Video allows you to more clearly communicate with your audience because it’s more versatile and you can more easily convey your tone. They can read your body language and words. While outlets like audio and content writing are still useful, users can’t always be clear about what you’re saying.
Search Engines Love Videos
If you do a Google search for any sort of ‘how-to’ topic, there will be a few videos that get returned on the first page along with the typical text results. This is because search engines have done the research and found out that people would rather watch a video on a topic than read a long webpage about it. If you make a video, it’s more likely to get put in front of consumers quickly
Video advertising is the newest craze taking over the online market. As consumers sway more and more toward videos than traditional advertisements, now it’s more important than ever before to produce videos. The above are just five of the many reasons that should give you the motivation to move forward.
Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. You can follow her on Twitter @anitaginsburg.