Videos Launched Last Week
#BetterCallPaul – Meet Elena ꞁ June 2017 Recap
Central Michigan PRSA – 2017 PACE Awards Sponsor Roll
Nimble Sports: Adjustable Brace Balance Beam Assembly Tutorial
Nimble Sports: Low Steel Brace Balance Beam Assembly Tutorial
SlugR: Instructional Video
Consumers Professional Credit Union : Makes it Easy for Their Members
DayStarr Communications : Young Automotive Group – “Why I Choose DayStarr!”
►SUBSCRIBE Our YouTube Channel:
#BetterCallPaul ꞁ UnoDeuce Multimedia ꞁ RideHomeReviews
✓On the Blog:
2nd Brain Collective Podcast with Chad Jordan of Cravings Gourmet PopcornCapital
Gains Article: Companies Join Forces to Provide ala Carte Professional Services
RideHomeReviews : Spider Man: Homecoming ꞁ Baby Driver
Upcoming Events this week:
Tuesday: Shiawassee ChamberAM Meeting
Wednesday: Caerusnet Lansing Green Team with Spotlight on Fahrenheit Massage
Wednesday: MSAE OrgPro
Friday: MABA Member Mixer
In the news
1. Vimeo cancels SVOD Service and Original Programming Plans, Dissolves Team
2. Facebook is ready to drop up to $3 million an episode on TV-Style Shows
3. SoundCloud Faces the Music; Cuts 40% of Staff
▲Question of The Week:
Can I use YouTube videos in my website?