Guest Post: 10 Marketing Tips to Win Over Millennials

The 21st century; what are a profitable market! The millennials represent a significant opportunity for marketers.

However, the millennial market is hard to connect with. As opposed to the traditional market, the millennial market is dominated by changed buying habits.

To sway up this difficult crowd, we have compiled some marketing tips essential to win over the millennials.

1. Make use of Instagram

Instagram is a marketing tool which has magically evolved in the 21st century. The millennials have embraced it as one of the greatest e-commerce platforms.

Recently, this platform has massively grown to offer big marketing force to current the generation.

For those companies who want to connect with this generation, media presence is the badge of acceptance. Instagram offers brand education, awareness and purchase options for the current market.

2. Optimize your social media content

Companies who want to win over millennials mostly connect with them via social media. This strategy is made more effective by the use of SEO. Optimizing your content is critical, as this will give it the opportunity to draw massive traffic. Short brief optimized pieces tend to well in attracting traffic.

3. Focus on customer reviews

The millennial is a crowd that would read up to ten reviews before settling on your brand. Online reviews not only influence buyers but also make your content rank high in Google search engines. If you want to convince the millennial, you have to get the best positive reviews-through offering best services.

To leverage this, you will have to solicit feedback. Ensure that you ask for reviews from your customers. Additionally, ensure that you respond to both positive and negative reviews. Even negative reviews? Yes.  Simple follow-up or acknowledging the feedback helps you make the millennials feel heard, humanizing your brand and building trust for your business.

What about negative reviews?

Wow! As cynical as it sounds, a negative review offers a big selling opportunity. You know, people like negative comments. When they converge to react to the review, ensure that you humbly respond to the review, but focus on the catch- selling your brand.

4. Appeal to their values

Millennial purchasing habits come aligned with their social identity and their memorable experiences. This means that brands that appeal to their values will definitely go on top. Why? Well, it serves their appetite.

5. Use their insight to innovate the product

For marketers who want to connect with millennials, they have to investigate their lifestyle, interests, and passions. On determining what’s important to them, and probably their unmet need, the marketers should then try to use their findings into designing their products.

6. Don’t sell the product, but the purpose

The past generation looks into the features of a product. The current market space looks into the “WHY.” What’s your why? What difference does your product bring to the generation? Let your purpose be on the lead.

This trick gets hold of this generation real quick. You need just to spell out your purpose. Talk of solutions that you can offer as a marketer. (They can’t buy the solution without purchasing the product).

7. Make use of posters

Advertising through posters can easily provide the information required about the brand’s awareness.  A poster features images, visual design, colors and the copy.

Posters come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. You may design your poster in different standard poster dimensions, according to your purpose.

Here are 3 tips for designing the right poster;

Ø  Imagine your purpose for the product and design it with the right intent.

Ø  Is your brand loud or understated? You should use the right mix of elements to reflect your brand.

Ø  Find the right printer, the one who will allow you to design the poster on their platform. In case you’re design savvy, you can take your ready design to a printer.

8. Authenticity

To win the millennial market, you need a brand similar to a human face. The millennial market can distinguish between the real talk from mere Ads. You should, therefore, focus on giving practical, actionable tips. Make their shopping experience as personalized as it can be, and award yourself with a flourishing business.

9. Make use of social touch points

Millennials are mostly connected to one social platform at once. They are everywhere every minute, looking for useful stuff and enlightenment. No wonder marketing platforms are becoming not only means but ends as well. The development of platforms such as omnichannel marketing provides you with an increased capacity to connect with millennials anywhere anytime.

10. Make use of millennial social influencers

Social influencer marketing is among the popular strategy for marketing to millennials. It involves leveraging the follower base of a social influencer to sell your product.

The followers of a social influencer are always willing and eager to view their content. They believe the content shared by an influencer is not spammy or pushy.

If you make use of the influencers in marketing your product, you are likely to rank high in capturing the millennial market. Instagram and YouTube is the place!

Grabbing the millennial market can be difficult, but possible. When you earn their trust through millennial-friendly advertising and marketing strategies, you can be sure that they will use their social media and iPhone to sing your song.

Susan Ranford is an expert on career coaching, business advice, and workplace rights. She has written for New York Jobs, IAmWire, and ZipJob. In her blogging and writing, she seeks to shed light on issues related to employment, business, and finance to help others understand different industries and find the right job fit for them –