roller derby

Lansing Derby Vixens Complete Saturday Sweep

The Lansing Derby Vixens’ Capital Corruption and All-stars defeated the Central Michigan Mayhem and the Circle City Derby Girls. (4/11/15)

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Throwback Thursday-Lansing Derby Vixen Profile-Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang

It’s time for another Vixens Video Profile! This week, it’s Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang #22. Bang (as she’s known to us on the team) is one of the founding members of the Vixens and a hard-hitting, hard-skating and hard-charging A team blocker. She’s a sweetheart off the track, but on the track, you can be sure she’s gunning for you!

Lansing Derby Vixens Mid-Season Promo

This one minute promo says all it needs to about roller derby in Lansing, Michigan. The Derby Vixens take the track once again at the Lansing Center on September 6, 2014.

Facebook: /lansing.derby.girls
Twitter: /DerbyVixens
Instagram: /lansingderbyvixens

Lansing Derby Vixens Mid-Season Promo

This one minute promo says all it needs to about roller derby in Lansing, Michigan. The Derby Vixens take the track once again at the Lansing Center on September 6, 2014.

Facebook: /lansing.derby.girls
Twitter: /DerbyVixens
Instagram: /lansingderbyvixens

Throwback Thursday: Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang Vixen Profile

It’s time for another Vixens Video Profile! This week, it’s Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang #22. Bang (as she’s known to us on the team) is one of the founding members of the Vixens and a hard-hitting, hard-skating and hard-charging A team blocker. She’s a sweetheart off the track, but on the track, you can be sure she’s gunning for you!