
RCP – Scanning Art vs Photographing Art

Do not use photography to create reproductions or archive files of your original art!

RCP’s Cruse Scanner provides (a) perfect alignment, (b) perfect lighting, and (c) perfect high resolution.

Your original art deserves to be scanned by a Cruse Scanner at RCP!

Artists, manufactures, graphic designers, quilters…ALL rely on precision scanning by RCP.

RCP-Fine Art Scanning

Ability to scan originals up to 48 x 72 with no touching of the original item.

Originals larger than 48 x 72 will still be perfectly scanned with multiple scans and our digital stitching software.

Surface details can be easily captured on paintings and other textured items with the Cruse Scanner’s raking light.

Items can be scanned in their frames behind glass. In many cases, same day service will be available.

RCP can accommodate single items, or entire collections.

RCP Artist Services – Who We Are

RCP specializes in artist services and large format printing. We operate the best scanner available to create perfect reproductions of your art with the ability to print on almost any substrate around.