Guest Post: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Digital Marketing

Every year, January is the month when the predictions start flowing in for the new year.

By the time January ends, your inbox is full of articles like “5 Ways ____ industry will change next year” or “Watch out for ____ because it will change the way you ___ in year ___.”

Undoubtedly, the information is overwhelming and nauseating (at times).

You end up feeling – seriously? Is this even a trend? Worse! Why do all the articles sound the same? Are they talking about the future of digital marketing?

All this flood of information seriously makes you question the role of Content Marketing in Digital Marketing. I mean, is the Content even written for users? Or is it just made up for search engines?

Yet, in between all the overflowing information, I manage to catch a trend in Digital Marketing, which I believe is going to change the way Digital marketing industry works.

And my prophecy is – Impact of AI on Digital Marketing.
