prevention network

CLIENT VIDEO: Prevention Network – Michigan Overdose Data to Action-Introduction Video

Prevention Network has recently been selected to partner with MDHHS Injury & Violence Prevention Section to support the Michigan Overdose Data to Action (MODA) project. MODA is a project supported by the CDC, with funding to Michigan, to assess, surveil, and build the capacity of current opioid prevention work being done throughout the state. There are two funding opportunities being provided through MODA: MDHHS released an RFP to fund Overdose Quick Response Teams in regions across the state. Prevention Network is available to help support agencies to navigate the application process and the applications are due in mid-May. Another funding opportunity is through Prevention Network who will award mini-grants to local groups monthly in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $40,000. The mini-grant process is being developed and will be awarded monthly. Prevention Network intends to support any organization doing overdose prevention related work in the state of Michigan.

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