#BetterCallPaul Most Watched Videos of 2015
#BetterCallPaul Episode 1
Entrepreneur Institute: Paul Schmidt
#BetterCallPaul 3 Things
#BetterCallPaul Giving Tuesday
Director’s Notes-Mistakes
We all make mistakes. But how do we handle them?
Visit our website at https://www.unodeuce.com
Director’s Notes- Your Video Content
Director’s Notes-Video Content from UnoDeuce Multimedia on Vimeo.
Boost your business with video! ! Visit our website at https://www.unodeuce.com
Director’s Notes-Damn You Facebook!
Director’s Notes-Damn You, Facebook! from UnoDeuce Multimedia on Vimeo.
Paul talks about some of the new things we are trying to expand our social media reach. Visit our website at https://www.unodeuce.com
Director’s Notes-Why We Are Behind the Camera Vol 1
Director’s Notes-why we (mainly Paul) work behind the camera. from UnoDeuce Multimedia on Vimeo.
In these Director's Notes, Paul can't keep it together. I know. Shocking. Visit our website at https://www.unodeuce.com
Director’s Notes: Happy New Year! 2014 Goals
In these Director’s Notes, production director Paul J Schmidt talks about the three words driving us into the new year: Resource, Non-profit and Growth! If you have more questions, visit our website at https://www.unodeuce.com